10:00:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
之前寫到過在 linux 機器上面跑 Ethereal 來抓封包,不過這 Ethereal 都已經進版到 Wireshark 了,所以乾脆再把這方便的指令記錄一下當作備檔,順便也列一下幾個好用的抓封包的指令來做為參考:
首先是 Wireshark,在這裡因為機器多半跑在 run level 3 ,所以我還是用指令來秀就好,先看一下 tshark 有什麼用法:
下面這個範例示範最常用到就是抓 eth0 的封包並寫到 /tmp/test.cap 去:
假如你不想在 /var/log/messages 裡面再看到這些訊息的話,可以再加上一個 -p 的參數,就好了...
當然如果還要加上一些 filter 的話就只需依想要過濾的條件去設定就行了,舉例來說,我想過濾只抓關於 RTSP 的封包就好:
---------- 補充於 2009/04/30 -------------
追加補充個我常用的 filer,因為常需要分析 AAA server 間的 Radius protocol,所以常會這麼下指令:(這些是在 Linux OS 上的指令)
首先是 Wireshark,在這裡因為機器多半跑在 run level 3 ,所以我還是用指令來秀就好,先看一下 tshark 有什麼用法:
Usage: tshark [options] ...這裡秀了不少相關的參數,不過一般我們用不了這麼多,我就用最簡單的例子來示範一下就好:
Capture interface:
-i (interface) name or idx of interface (def: first non-loopback)
-f (capture) packet filter in libpcap filter syntax
-s (snaplen) packet snapshot length (def: 65535)
-p don't capture in promiscuous mode
-y (link) link layer type (def: first appropriate)
-D print list of interfaces and exit
-L print list of link-layer types of iface and exit
Capture stop conditions:
-c (packet) stop after n packets (def: infinite)
-a (autostop) ... duration:NUM - stop after NUM seconds
filesize:NUM - stop this file after NUM KB
files:NUM - stop after NUM files
Capture output:
-b (ringbuffer) ... duration:NUM - switch to next file after NUM secs
filesize:NUM - switch to next file after NUM KB
files:NUM - ringbuffer: replace after NUM files
Input file:
-r (infile) set the filename to read from (no pipes or stdin!)
-R (read) packet filter in Wireshark display filter syntax
-n disable all name resolutions (def: all enabled)
-N (name) enable specific name resolution(s): "mntC"
-d (layer_type)==(selector),(decode_as_protocol) ...
"Decode As", see the man page for details
Example: tcp.port==8888,http
-w (outfile|-) set the output filename (or '-' for stdout)
-F (output) set the output file type, default is libpcap
an empty "-F" option will list the file types
-V add output of packet tree (Packet Details)
-S display packets even when writing to a file
-x add output of hex and ASCII dump (Packet Bytes)
-T pdml|ps|psml|text|fields
format of text output (def: text)
-e (field) field to print if -Tfields selected (e.g. tcp.port);
this option can be repeated to print multiple fields
-E(fieldsoption)=(value) set options for output when -Tfields selected:
header=y|n switch headers on and off
separator=/t|/s|(char) select tab, space, printable character as separator
quote=d|s|n select double, single, no quotes for values
-t ad|a|r|d|dd|e output format of time stamps (def: r: rel. to first)
-l flush standard output after each packet
-q be more quiet on stdout (e.g. when using statistics)
-X (key):(value) eXtension options, see the man page for details
-z (statistics) various statistics, see the man page for details
-h display this help and exit
-v display version info and exit
-o (name):(value) ... override preference setting
下面這個範例示範最常用到就是抓 eth0 的封包並寫到 /tmp/test.cap 去:
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]# tshark -i eth0 -w /tmp/test.cap如果要讀出這個 .cap 檔,可以用 -r 的參數,或者直接把檔案抓下來在自己的電腦上用 Wireshark 去開啟,不過有時就是急著要在機器上直接檢視所抓取的封包的結果,那就用 -S 吧,讓存檔的時候還順便把結果秀在螢幕上來檢視:
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth0
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]#
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]# tshark -i eth0 -w /tmp/test.log -S不過這樣的封包訊息很難對時間對吧?那我們變換一下隊形,加上時間戳記在每個封包前面好了,這樣也比較方便檢視:
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth0
0.000000 IntelCor_11:57:ec -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.013780 IntelCor_0c:9c:e3 -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.019267 IntelCor_0c:5e:84 -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.026100 IntelCor_0c:a2:40 -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.106711 IntelCor_11:57:ec -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.125997 IntelCor_0c:5e:84 -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.149380 -> NTP NTP client
0.149424 -> NTP NTP server
0.213424 IntelCor_11:57:ec -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.232625 IntelCor_0c:5e:84 -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.321434 IntelCor_11:57:ec -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.340753 IntelCor_0c:5e:84 -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.428148 IntelCor_11:57:ec -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
0.447482 IntelCor_0c:5e:84 -> UscInfor_00:00:00 LLC U, func=UI; SNAP, OUI 0x020000 (Unknown), PID 0x0001
14 packets captured
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]#
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]# tshark -i eth1 -ta -w /tmp/test.log -S再列出另一種我比較喜歡的時間格式:
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth1
22:52:38.637125 SunMicro_9b:ab:99 -> Broadcast ARP Who has Tell
22:52:38.637154 SunMicro_9b:ab:99 -> Broadcast ARP Who has Tell
22:52:38.642615 SunMicro_d0:3e:07 -> Broadcast ARP Who has Tell
22:52:38.645906 SunMicro_1a:4e:3b -> Broadcast ARP Who has Tell
22:52:38.646316 SunMicro_1a:b6:37 -> Broadcast ARP Who has Tell
22:52:38.650723 -> UDP Source port: 3020 Destination port: 34734
22:52:38.657893 -> TCP 706 > login [ACK] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=24820 Len=0
22:52:38.657904 -> Rlogin Data: Capturing on eth0\r\n22:52:38.637125 SunMicro_9b:ab:99 -> Broadcast ARP Who has Tell\r\n22:52:38.6371
22:52:38.672427 -> UDP Source port: 3020 Destination port: 34732
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]# tshark -i eth1 -tad -w /tmp/test.log -S不過這樣的封包訊息又太精簡了,看不習慣對吧,那我們再變換一下隊形,這樣應該會更方便檢視:(加上 -V 把封包的 detail 訊息秀出來,加上 -x 後把 output 用 hex 和 ASCII 給 dump 出來,現在是不是清楚多了?)
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth1
2009-04-26 22:57:47.071895 -> UDP Source port: 3020 Destination port: 34732
2009-04-26 22:57:47.073645 -> UDP Source port: 3020 Destination port: 34734
2009-04-26 22:57:47.089852 -> TCP 706 > login [ACK] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=24820 Len=0
2009-04-26 22:57:47.089863 -> Rlogin Data: Capturing on eth0\r\n2009-04-26 22:57:47.071895 -> UDP Source port: 3020 Destination port: 34732\r\n200
2009-04-26 22:57:47.098563 SunMicro_9b:ad:c9 -> Broadcast ARP Who has Tell
2009-04-26 22:57:47.098599 SunMicro_9b:ad:c9 -> Broadcast ARP Who has Tell
2009-04-26 22:57:47.116810 -> UDP Source port: 3020 Destination port: 34732
2009-04-26 22:57:47.137607 -> UDP Source port: 3020 Destination port: 34730
2009-04-26 22:57:47.138241 -> UDP Source port: 3030 Destination port: 34726
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]# tshark -i eth0 -Vta -x對了,補充一下,當在抓封包時在 /var/log/messages 裡面常會出現一堆如下所列的訊息:
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth0
Frame 1 (104 bytes on wire, 104 bytes captured)
Arrival Time: Apr 26, 2009 18:56:34.406686000
[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
[Time since reference or first frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
Frame Number: 1
Frame Length: 104 bytes
Capture Length: 104 bytes
[Frame is marked: False]
[Protocols in frame: eth:llc:data]
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
Destination: UscInfor_00:00:00 (01:00:5e:00:00:00)
Address: UscInfor_00:00:00 (01:00:5e:00:00:00)
.... ...1 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Group address (multicast/broadcast)
.... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Source: IntelCor_11:57:ec (00:1c:c0:11:57:ec)
Address: IntelCor_11:57:ec (00:1c:c0:11:57:ec)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
.... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Length: 90
Logical-Link Control
DSAP: SNAP (0xaa)
IG Bit: Individual
SSAP: SNAP (0xaa)
CR Bit: Command
Control field: U, func=UI (0x03)
000. 00.. = Command: Unnumbered Information (0x00)
.... ..11 = Frame type: Unnumbered frame (0x03)
Organization Code: Unknown (0x020000)
Protocol ID: 0x0001
Data (82 bytes)
Data: 01011201020000635FFE001CC01157EC01800319112A0000...
0000 01 00 5e 00 00 00 00 1c c0 11 57 ec 00 5a aa aa ..^.......W..Z..
0010 03 02 00 00 00 01 01 01 12 01 02 00 00 63 5f fe .............c_.
0020 00 1c c0 11 57 ec 01 80 03 19 11 2a 00 00 00 00 ....W......*....
0030 00 00 00 00 00 05 0f 49 6e 74 65 72 4e 45 54 2d .......InterNET-
0040 50 72 69 2d 42 6b 00 00 00 1c c0 0c a2 40 00 00 Pri-Bk.......@..
0050 00 00 00 00 00 0c 11 86 f9 ba 00 07 29 5e 4f 88 ............)^O.
0060 4c c8 04 85 e2 ff c3 f9 L.......
Frame 2 (104 bytes on wire, 104 bytes captured)
Arrival Time: Apr 26, 2009 18:56:34.427783000
[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.021097000 seconds]
[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.021097000 seconds]
[Time since reference or first frame: 0.021097000 seconds]
Frame Number: 2
Frame Length: 104 bytes
Capture Length: 104 bytes
[Frame is marked: False]
[Protocols in frame: eth:llc:data]
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
Destination: UscInfor_00:00:00 (01:00:5e:00:00:00)
Address: UscInfor_00:00:00 (01:00:5e:00:00:00)
.... ...1 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Group address (multicast/broadcast)
.... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Source: IntelCor_0c:5e:84 (00:1c:c0:0c:5e:84)
Address: IntelCor_0c:5e:84 (00:1c:c0:0c:5e:84)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
.... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Length: 90
Logical-Link Control
DSAP: SNAP (0xaa)
IG Bit: Individual
SSAP: SNAP (0xaa)
CR Bit: Command
Control field: U, func=UI (0x03)
000. 00.. = Command: Unnumbered Information (0x00)
.... ..11 = Frame type: Unnumbered frame (0x03)
Organization Code: Unknown (0x020000)
Protocol ID: 0x0001
Data (82 bytes)
Data: 01011001020000DC8C04001CC00C5E84017F0318112A0000...
0000 01 00 5e 00 00 00 00 1c c0 0c 5e 84 00 5a aa aa ..^.......^..Z..
0010 03 02 00 00 00 01 01 01 10 01 02 00 00 dc 8c 04 ................
0020 00 1c c0 0c 5e 84 01 7f 03 18 11 2a 00 00 00 01 ....^......*....
0030 00 01 00 00 00 07 0d 41 53 4e 2d 53 65 63 2d 42 .......ASN-Sec-B
0040 72 69 63 6b 00 00 00 00 00 1c c0 0c 9c e3 00 00 rick............
0050 00 00 00 00 00 0c 11 86 f9 bb 00 05 e3 0c 4e a3 ..............N.
0060 fd 42 49 17 bb 9e bd 64 .BI....d
Frame 3 (90 bytes on wire, 90 bytes captured)
Arrival Time: Apr 26, 2009 18:56:34.444956000
[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.017173000 seconds]
[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.017173000 seconds]
[Time since reference or first frame: 0.038270000 seconds]
Frame Number: 3
Frame Length: 90 bytes
Capture Length: 90 bytes
[Frame is marked: False]
[Protocols in frame: eth:ip:udp:ntp]
Ethernet II, Src: 02:00:00:dc:8c:04 (02:00:00:dc:8c:04), Dst: 00:22:19:50:bc:7e (00:22:19:50:bc:7e)
Destination: 00:22:19:50:bc:7e (00:22:19:50:bc:7e)
Address: 00:22:19:50:bc:7e (00:22:19:50:bc:7e)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
.... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Source: 02:00:00:dc:8c:04 (02:00:00:dc:8c:04)
Address: 02:00:00:dc:8c:04 (02:00:00:dc:8c:04)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
.... ..1. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Locally administered address (this is NOT the factory default)
Type: IP (0x0800)
Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
Version: 4
Header length: 20 bytes
Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
.... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
.... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
Total Length: 76
Identification: 0x284a (10314)
Flags: 0x00
0... = Reserved bit: Not set
.0.. = Don't fragment: Not set
..0. = More fragments: Not set
Fragment offset: 0
Time to live: 27
Protocol: UDP (0x11)
Header checksum: 0xc53f [correct]
[Good: True]
[Bad : False]
Source: (
Destination: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: ntp (123), Dst Port: ntp (123)
Source port: ntp (123)
Destination port: ntp (123)
Length: 56
Checksum: 0x4170 [correct]
[Good Checksum: True]
[Bad Checksum: False]
Network Time Protocol
Flags: 0x0b
00.. .... = Leap Indicator: no warning (0)
..00 1... = Version number: reserved (1)
.... .011 = Mode: client (3)
Peer Clock Stratum: unspecified or unavailable (0)
Peer Polling Interval: invalid (0)
Peer Clock Precision: 1.000000 sec
Root Delay: 0.0000 sec
Root Dispersion: 0.0000 sec
Reference Clock ID: NULL
Reference Clock Update Time: NULL
Originate Time Stamp: NULL
Receive Time Stamp: NULL
Transmit Time Stamp: NULL
0000 00 22 19 50 bc 7e 02 00 00 dc 8c 04 08 00 45 00 .".P.~........E.
0010 00 4c 28 4a 00 00 1b 11 c5 3f 0a ff 83 fd 0a 0f .L(J.....?......
0020 19 0d 00 7b 00 7b 00 38 41 70 0b 00 00 00 00 00 ...{.{.8Ap......
0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..........
kernel: device eth0 entered promiscuous mode這代表你的網卡處於"混雜模式時",在同一個 broadcast segment 下的封包,都會被監聽,如果你的 LAN 是用 HUB 來接,那整個 LAN 的封包都會被監聽,若你的 LAN 是用 switch 接,一般來說就只能看到自己和 broadcast 的封包。
kernel: device eth0 left promiscuous mode
假如你不想在 /var/log/messages 裡面再看到這些訊息的話,可以再加上一個 -p 的參數,就好了...
當然如果還要加上一些 filter 的話就只需依想要過濾的條件去設定就行了,舉例來說,我想過濾只抓關於 RTSP 的封包就好:
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]# tshark -i eth1 -Vtad -x -p port rtsp綜合以上所說的,其實我一般最常用的便是類似下面組合起來的 command 囉:
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth1
Frame 1 (74 bytes on wire, 74 bytes captured)
Arrival Time: Apr 26, 2009 23:39:12.773857000
Time delta from previous packet: 0.000000000 seconds
Time since reference or first frame: 0.000000000 seconds
Frame Number: 1
Packet Length: 74 bytes
Capture Length: 74 bytes
Protocols in frame: eth:ip:tcp
Ethernet II, Src: 00:15:60:a3:f4:67, Dst: 00:15:60:a3:f8:e5
Destination: 00:15:60:a3:f8:e5 (00:15:60:a3:f8:e5)
Source: 00:15:60:a3:f4:67 (00:15:60:a3:f4:67)
Type: IP (0x0800)
Internet Protocol, Src Addr: (, Dst Addr: (
Version: 4
Header length: 20 bytes
Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
.... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
.... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
Total Length: 60
Identification: 0x03e6 (998)
Flags: 0x04 (Don't Fragment)
0... = Reserved bit: Not set
.1.. = Don't fragment: Set
..0. = More fragments: Not set
Fragment offset: 0
Time to live: 64
Protocol: TCP (0x06)
Header checksum: 0xd66b (correct)
Source: (
Destination: (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 57606 (57606), Dst Port: rtsp (554), Seq: 0, Ack: 0, Len: 0
Source port: 57606 (57606)
Destination port: rtsp (554)
Sequence number: 0 (relative sequence number)
Header length: 40 bytes
Flags: 0x0002 (SYN)
0... .... = Congestion Window Reduced (CWR): Not set
.0.. .... = ECN-Echo: Not set
..0. .... = Urgent: Not set
...0 .... = Acknowledgment: Not set
.... 0... = Push: Not set
.... .0.. = Reset: Not set
.... ..1. = Syn: Set
.... ...0 = Fin: Not set
Window size: 5792
Checksum: 0x57d2 (correct)
Options: (20 bytes)
Maximum segment size: 1460 bytes
SACK permitted
Time stamp: tsval 2080473562, tsecr 2080479415
Window scale: 0 (multiply by 1)
0000 00 15 60 a3 f8 e5 00 15 60 a3 f4 67 08 00 45 00 ..`.....`..g..E.
0010 00 3c 03 e6 40 00 40 06 d6 6b ac 18 04 2c ac 18 .(..@.@..k...,..
0020 04 0e e1 06 02 2a 01 28 82 3c 00 00 00 00 a0 02 .....*.(.(......
0030 16 a0 57 d2 00 00 02 04 05 b4 04 02 08 0a 7c 01 ..W...........|.
0040 81 da 7c 01 98 b7 01 03 03 00 ..|.......
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]# tshark -i eth0 -Vtad -x icmp -p -w /tmp/test.log -S既然說到在 Linux 上使用 Wireshark, 那在 Solaris 上面呢?簡單來說你可以使用 snoop 跟 tcpdump,不過個人是偏好 snoop 啦,下面先簡單列一下可用的選項:
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth0
Frame 1 (98 bytes on wire, 98 bytes captured)
Arrival Time: Apr 27, 2009 10:53:50.326876000
[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
[Time since reference or first frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
Frame Number: 1
Frame Length: 98 bytes
Capture Length: 98 bytes
[Frame is marked: False]
[Protocols in frame: eth:ip:icmp:data]
Ethernet II, Src: 00:22:19:50:bc:7e (00:22:19:50:bc:7e), Dst: All-HSRP-routers_04 (00:00:0c:07:ac:04)
Destination: All-HSRP-routers_04 (00:00:0c:07:ac:04)
Address: All-HSRP-routers_04 (00:00:0c:07:ac:04)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
.... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Source: 00:22:19:50:bc:7e (00:22:19:50:bc:7e)
Address: 00:22:19:50:bc:7e (00:22:19:50:bc:7e)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
.... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Type: IP (0x0800)
Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
Version: 4
Header length: 20 bytes
Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
.... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
.... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
Total Length: 84
Identification: 0x0000 (0)
Flags: 0x04 (Don't Fragment)
0... = Reserved bit: Not set
.1.. = Don't fragment: Set
..0. = More fragments: Not set
Fragment offset: 0
Time to live: 64
Protocol: ICMP (0x01)
Header checksum: 0xb5df [correct]
[Good: True]
[Bad : False]
Source: (
Destination: (
Internet Control Message Protocol
Type: 8 (Echo (ping) request)
Code: 0 ()
Checksum: 0x866f [correct]
Identifier: 0x7a27
Sequence number: 1 (0x0001)
Data (56 bytes)
Data: 3E1EF549D4FC040008090A0B0C0D0E0F1011121314151617...
0000 00 00 0c 07 ac 04 00 22 19 50 bc 7e 08 00 45 00 .......".P.~..E.
0010 00 54 00 00 40 00 40 01 b5 df 0a 0f 19 0d c0 a8 .T..@.@.........
0020 a1 05 08 00 86 6f 7a 27 00 01 3e 1e f5 49 d4 fc .....oz'..)..I..
0030 04 00 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 ................
0040 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25 .......... !"#$%
0050 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 &'()*+,-./012345
0060 36 37 67
1 packets captured
[root@KHCDNSS01 ~]#
Usage: snoop其實簡單說起來,用法跟 Wireshark 大同小異啦,比方說,下面是我常用的一個指令,用來檢查 NTP client 有沒有過來做 NTP 的同步,當然也可以把 filter 的部分改成其他的用法,比方說用 "bootp" 來取代掉 "port ntp" 的部分,就可以檢查 DHCP Client 有沒有來 request IP...其他的選項部分跟 Wireshark 其實差異不大,-d 是用來指定抓封包的 interface,-P 一樣可以避免網卡處於"混雜模式",-r 是不要解析 IP address,-v 是秀出詳細的 packet,而 -ta 則是秀出時間戳記.....
[ -a ] # Listen to packets on audio
[ -d device ] # Listen on interface named device
[ -s snaplen ] # Truncate packets
[ -c count ] # Quit after count packets
[ -P ] # Turn OFF promiscuous mode
[ -D ] # Report dropped packets
[ -S ] # Report packet size
[ -i file ] # Read previously captured packets
[ -o file ] # Capture packets in file
[ -n file ] # Load addr-to-name table from file
[ -N ] # Create addr-to-name table
[ -t r|a|d ] # Time: Relative, Absolute or Delta
[ -v ] # Verbose packet display
[ -V ] # Show all summary lines
[ -p first[,last] ] # Select packet(s) to display
[ -x offset[,length] ] # Hex dump from offset for length
[ -C ] # Print packet filter code
[ -q ] # Suppress printing packet count
[ -r ] # Do not resolve address to name
[ filter expression ]
47ksh# snoop -vVta -r -d bge0 -P -x5 port ntp好囉,就先寫到這兒吧~
Using device /dev/bge0 (non promiscuous)
ETHER: ----- Ether Header -----
ETHER: Packet 11 arrived at 18:21:4.42140
ETHER: Packet size = 90 bytes
ETHER: Destination = 0:14:4f:a9:83:50,
ETHER: Source = 0:1a:f0:bc:b6:6d,
ETHER: Ethertype = 0800 (IP)
IP: ----- IP Header -----
IP: Version = 4
IP: Header length = 20 bytes
IP: Type of service = 0xc0
IP: xxx. .... = 6 (precedence)
IP: ...0 .... = normal delay
IP: .... 0... = normal throughput
IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability
IP: .... ..0. = not ECN capable transport
IP: .... ...0 = no ECN congestion experienced
IP: Total length = 76 bytes
IP: Identification = 0
IP: Flags = 0x0
IP: .0.. .... = may fragment
IP: ..0. .... = last fragment
IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes
IP: Time to live = 254 seconds/hops
IP: Protocol = 17 (UDP)
IP: Header checksum = 757e
IP: Source address =,
IP: Destination address =,
IP: No options
UDP: ----- UDP Header -----
UDP: Source port = 123
UDP: Destination port = 123 (NTP)
UDP: Length = 56
UDP: Checksum = F8E2
NTP: ----- Network Time Protocol -----
NTP: Leap = 0x0 (OK)
NTP: Version = 3
NTP: Mode = 3 (client)
NTP: Stratum = 3 (secondary reference)
NTP: Poll = 6
NTP: Precision = 238 seconds
NTP: Synchronizing distance = 0x0000.0064 (0.001526)
NTP: Synchronizing dispersion = 0x0000.040d (0.015823)
NTP: Reference clock = (
NTP: Reference time = 0xcda00550.6bbe484f (2009-04-27 18:20:00.42087)
NTP: Originate time = 0xcda00550.6b9f8000 (2009-04-27 18:20:00.42040)
NTP: Receive time = 0xcda00550.6bbe484f (2009-04-27 18:20:00.42087)
NTP: Transmit time = 0xcda00590.6bc46a2c (2009-04-27 18:21:04.42097)
0: 8350 001a f0bc b66d 0800 45c0 004c 0000 .P.....m..E..L..
16: 0000 fe11 757e 0a10 1922 0a11 1920 007b ....u~..."... .{
32: 007b 0038 f8e2 1b03 06ee 0000 0064 0000 .{.8.........d..
48: 040d 0a11 1920 cda0 0550 6bbe 484f cda0 ..... .?.Pk.HO.?
64: 0550 6b9f 8000 cda0 0550 6bbe 484f cda0 .Pk?...?.Pk.HO.?
80: 0590 6bc4 6a2c ..k.j,
---------- 補充於 2009/04/30 -------------
追加補充個我常用的 filer,因為常需要分析 AAA server 間的 Radius protocol,所以常會這麼下指令:(這些是在 Linux OS 上的指令)
[root@TEST01 ~]# tshark -Vtad -p -i bond1 -x -z "radius,rtd,ip.addr==xx.xx.xx.xx" -w /tmp/AAA-radius.cap -S或者是:
[root@TEST01 ~]# tshark -Vtad -p -i bond1 -x -z radius,rtd. -w /tmp/AAA-radius.cap -S又或者是乾脆就這麼用:
[root@TEST01 ~]# tshark -Vtad -p -i bond1 -x port radius -w /tmp/AAA-radius.cap -S對了,加上這個 -z 的參數,在抓完封包時,會多出如下的處理訊息:
RADIUS Response Time Delay (RTD) Statistics:OK,補充完畢... (詳全文...)
Filter for statistics:
Duplicate requests: 3
Duplicate responses: 0
Open requests: 3
Discarded responses: 0
Type | Messages | Min RTD | Max RTD | Avg RTD | Min in Frame | Max in Frame |
Overall | 1 | 1.53 msec | 1.53 msec | 1.53 msec | 11 | 11 |
Access | 1 | 1.53 msec | 1.53 msec | 1.53 msec | 11 | 11 |
10:28:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
為了撥接到客戶那邊去處理點問題,趕緊翻出之前的舊版 CISCO-vpnclient-win-msi- 出來裝,裝好之後,重開機,啊ㄌㄟ,救人喔....怎麼無線網路就起不來了,再也掃不到任何無線 AP 了,剛剛還在用的啊,天哪,就連有線的區域網路也掛了,完全沒有任何 IP,就算用 ipconfig /renew 也直接回報網路裝置有問題,居然還無法移除...幸好我有安裝新程式之前設定還原點的習慣,趕緊還原到剛剛還沒裝之前的狀態,但,怎麼都不死心,於是上網去抓了新一點的版本 CISCO vpn-client 試試,沒想到,結果一樣,二話不說,還原再試一次,再去找更新的版本,花了一個多小時試到 CISCO-vpnclient-win-msi- 的版本還是不行,再次上網去查詢了一下,才發現原來是 DNE 造成的問題啊,只要先 fix 完 DNE 的問題再安裝 CISCO VPN Client 就沒問題了,趕緊到 Citrix DNE Support 的頁面去,下面是他網頁說明的步驟:
1. 下載並安裝 ftp://files.citrix.com/winfix.exe
2. 接著,下載並安裝最新版的 DNE 更新:
ftp://files.citrix.com/dneupdate.msi for 32-bit
ftp://files.citrix.com/dneupdate64.msi for 64-bit
3. 重新安裝用到 DNE 的程式(例如:VPN Client...)
照著做完之後,果然這次安裝 CISCO-vpnclient-win-msi- 後網路就沒問題了~
1. 下載並安裝 ftp://files.citrix.com/winfix.exe
2. 接著,下載並安裝最新版的 DNE 更新:
ftp://files.citrix.com/dneupdate.msi for 32-bit
ftp://files.citrix.com/dneupdate64.msi for 64-bit
3. 重新安裝用到 DNE 的程式(例如:VPN Client...)
照著做完之後,果然這次安裝 CISCO-vpnclient-win-msi- 後網路就沒問題了~
11:45:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
今天臨時要裝一台 SUN 的機器,用來當新的 DHCP server,手邊只有公司精簡版的 Solaris 10 的安裝光碟,裝完後才發現,歐賣尬的,挖勒,怎麼沒看到 isc-dhcp 啊?啊是躲到哪去了?用 svcs -a 去看居然只有 default 的那支 dhcp-server:
先到 ISC 的下載網頁去看一下,目前最新的版本是 DHCP v4.1.0,抓下來試試看,結果要 ./configure 時居然發現這個精簡版的 OS超級精簡的,連 gcc 都沒有...
解壓再 pkgadd 裝來看看:
不過,在 Solaris 10 上已經用 SMF服務命令行管理工具來進行系統服務管理了,但,現在這新開張的 isc-dhcp 倒是還沒納入管理,雖說也可寫個 /etc/rc2.d/S97dhcpd 之類的給他自己跑,不過對管理上總是不合規矩,還是讓他也統一吧。
簡單的說就是先寫一個 isc-dhcp 專用的 xml 檔,這裡我們就 vi 一個 isc-dhcp.xml 如下:
8ksh# svcs -a|grep dhcp問題來了,由於這一台機器是要把另一台正在 in service 機器上的 DHCP service 給取代掉的,而且之前的 DHCP 是用 isc-dhcp v3.0.4,我看了一下那個 default dhcp-server 的設定,跟 isc-dhcp 的差異實在頗大,沒時間重新設定成 dhcp-server 用的,目前也沒時間線上驗證,怕會影響目前客戶的 serice,所以只得趕快去找 isc-dhcp for Solaris10 的 package。
disabled 16:39:47 svc:/network/dhcp-server:default
先到 ISC 的下載網頁去看一下,目前最新的版本是 DHCP v4.1.0,抓下來試試看,結果要 ./configure 時居然發現這個精簡版的 OS超級精簡的,連 gcc 都沒有...
17ksh# ./configure再一查看才發現缺的東西真是多啊,算了,時間不多,換一個好了,直接抓安裝版的好了....到 SunFreeware 去找了一下,嗯,看到了 dhcp-4.0.0-sol10-sparc-local.gz,當下二話不說,先抓回來看看~
checking for a BSD-compatible install... ./install-sh -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... nawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name...
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details.
解壓再 pkgadd 裝來看看:
25ksh# pkgadd -d dhcp-4.0.0-sol10-sparc-local
The following packages are available:
1 SMCdhcp dhcp
(sparc) 4.0.0
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: all
Processing package instancefrom
dhcp(sparc) 4.0.0
Using as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
4 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
Installing dhcp as
## Installing part 1 of 1.
[ verifying class]
Installation ofwas successful.
27ksh# pkginfo SMCdhcp裝完直接跑跑看吧:
application SMCdhcp dhcp
6ksh# /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd不是吧?這個 OS 也實在是太過精簡了吧,要什麼沒什麼~算了,二話不說,直接移掉:
ld.so.1: dhcpd: fatal: libcrypto.so.0.9.8: open failed: No such file or directory
7ksh# pkgrm SMCdhcp算了,回頭看一下原來的機器,用的是 v3.0.4 版的,好吧,再去找了一下,v3.0.4 版的是找不到,不過還好在 SunFreeware 還有給 Solaris10 用的 DHCP v3.0.5 (dhcp-3.0.5-sol10-sparc-local.gz) 的版本,一樣,先抓來解壓縮:
The following package is currently installed:
SMCdhcp dhcp
(sparc) 4.0.0
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q] y
## Removing installed package instance
## Verifying packagedependencies in global zone
## Processing package information.
## Removing pathnames in class
## Updating system information.
Removal ofwas successful.
gunzip dhcp-3.0.5-sol10-sparc-local.gz接著裝上去吧:
17ksh# pkgadd -d dhcp-3.0.5-sol10-sparc-local
The following packages are available:
1 SMCdhcp dhcp
(sparc) 3.0.5
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: all
Processing package instancefrom
dhcp(sparc) 3.0.5
Using as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
7 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
Installing dhcp as
## Installing part 1 of 1.
[ verifying class]
Installation ofwas successful.
18ksh# pkginfo |grep dhcp裝完,先直接跑跑看囉,這裡我先把舊的設定檔放到 /etc/dhcpd.conf,另外我指定把ip租借表寫到 /var/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases 去:
application SMCdhcp dhcp
26ksh# /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -d -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf -lf /var/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases &開始執行之後自然有 log 出現:
[1] 3566
27ksh# Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.5嗯,看來這次跑起ok了~
Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/
WARNING: Host declarations are global. They are not limited to the scope you declared them in.
Wrote 0 deleted host decls to leases file.
Wrote 0 new dynamic host decls to leases file.
Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
Listening on DLPI/bge0/00:14:4f:a9:83:50/cluster
Sending on DLPI/bge0/00:14:4f:a9:83:50/cluster
Sending on Socket/fallback/fallback-net
27ksh# ps -aef |grep dhcp
root 3566 3497 0 15:18:11 pts/3 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -d -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf -lf /var/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
不過,在 Solaris 10 上已經用 SMF服務命令行管理工具來進行系統服務管理了,但,現在這新開張的 isc-dhcp 倒是還沒納入管理,雖說也可寫個 /etc/rc2.d/S97dhcpd 之類的給他自己跑,不過對管理上總是不合規矩,還是讓他也統一吧。
簡單的說就是先寫一個 isc-dhcp 專用的 xml 檔,這裡我們就 vi 一個 isc-dhcp.xml 如下:
28ksh# vi /var/svc/manifest/network/isc-dhcp.xml接著我們 vi 一個 service 執行用的簡單 shell script 叫做 /usr/sbin/startdhcp.sh,這個在剛剛的 xml 裡面有定義到:
30ksh# cat /usr/sbin/startdhcp.sh這裡做完之後記得最後一個步驟就是:
#!/sbin/sh -x
if [ ! -f /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd ]
echo "/usr/local/sbin/dhcpd does not exist"
exit 1
/usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -d -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf -lf /var/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases&
32ksh# svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/network/isc-dhcp.xml這樣就可以用 svcs -a 去查詢服務的狀態,用 svcadm 去啟動或是停止 isc-dhcp 的服務了:
33ksh# svcs -a|grep dhcp
disabled 16:34:28 svc:/network/dhcp-server:default
disabled 18:07:07 svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default
23ksh# svcadm enable isc-dhcp看起來仍有些問題,那就用 -x 或 -v 的選項來看看問題出在哪吧:
24ksh# svcs -a|grep dhcp
disabled 16:34:28 svc:/network/dhcp-server:default
offline 18:10:23 svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default
37ksh# svcs -x isc-dhcp
svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default (DHCP server)
State: offline since Wed Apr 01 18:10:23 2009
Reason: Service svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
is not running because a method failed.
See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-GE
See: in.dhcpd(1M)
Impact: 2 dependent services are not running. (Use -v for list.)
38ksh# svcs -xv isc-dhcp看的出來是 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default 的影響,這裡用另一個選項 -d 來看看有沒有 dependent services:
svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default (DHCP server)
State: offline since Wed Apr 01 18:10:23 2009
Reason: Service svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
is not running because a method failed.
See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-GE
Path: svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default
See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M in.dhcpd
Impact: 2 dependent services are not running:
39ksh# svcs -v isc-dhcp原來 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default 在 maintenance mode 啊,那就先把他給重啟好了:
offline - 18:10:23 - svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default
40ksh# svcs -d isc-dhcp
maintenance 17:04:47 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
41ksh# svcadm disable svc:/milestone/multi-user:default好了,svc:/milestone/multi-user:default 已經正常跑起來了,再查看一下 isc-dhcp 看看:
42ksh# svcs -d isc-dhcp
disabled 18:19:43 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
43ksh# svcadm enable svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
44ksh# svcs -d isc-dhcp
online 18:19:55 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
45ksh# svcs -x isc-dhcp現在沒別的因素在影響了,也重啟一下isc-dhcp 吧:
svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default (DHCP server)
State: maintenance since Wed Apr 01 18:19:57 2009
Reason: Restarting too quickly.
See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-L5
See: in.dhcpd(1M)
See: /var/svc/log/network-isc-dhcp:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.
46ksh# ps -aef |grep dhcp現在一切都正常了,做個測試看看能不能正常派發 IP 吧:
47ksh# svcs -a|grep isc-dhcp
maintenance 18:19:57 svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default
48ksh# svcadm disable isc-dhcp
49ksh# svcs -a|grep isc-dhcp
disabled 18:21:11 svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default
50ksh# svcadm enable isc-dhcp
51ksh# svcs -a|grep isc-dhcp
online 18:21:18 svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default
52ksh# ps -aef |grep dhcp
root 1101 1 0 18:21:19 ? 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -d -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf -lf /var/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
53ksh# svcs -x isc-dhcp
svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default (DHCP server)
State: online since Wed Apr 01 18:21:18 2009
See: in.dhcpd(1M)
See: /var/svc/log/network-isc-dhcp:default.log
Impact: None.
54ksh# svcs -v isc-dhcp
online - 18:21:18 106 svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default
55ksh# svcs -xv isc-dhcp
svc:/network/isc-dhcp:default (DHCP server)
State: online since Wed Apr 01 18:21:18 2009
See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M in.dhcpd
See: /var/svc/log/network-isc-dhcp:default.log
Impact: None.
56ksh# svcs -d isc-dhcp
online 18:19:55 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
57ksh# tail -f /var/svc/log/network-isc-dhcp:default.logOK,看來都沒問題了,搞定收工~ (詳全文...)
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/
WARNING: Host declarations are global. They are not limited to the scope you declared them in.
Wrote 0 deleted host decls to leases file.
Wrote 0 new dynamic host decls to leases file.
Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
[ Apr 1 18:21:18 Method "start" exited with status 0 ]
Listening on DLPI/bge0/00:14:4f:a9:83:50/cluster
Sending on DLPI/bge0/00:14:4f:a9:83:50/cluster
Sending on Socket/fallback/fallback-net
DHCPDISCOVER from 00:11:3f:c1:5a:ac via
DHCPOFFER on to 00:11:3f:c1:5a:ac via
DHCPREQUEST for ( from 00:11:3f:c1:5a:ac via
DHCPACK on to 00:11:3f:c1:5a:ac via
DHCPDISCOVER from 00:11:3f:c1:5a:ae via
DHCPOFFER on to 00:11:3f:c1:5a:ae via
DHCPREQUEST for ( from 00:11:3f:c1:5a:ae via
DHCPACK on to 00:11:3f:c1:5a:ae via
10:27:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
今天檢查機器時發現 /var/log/messages 裡面有一大堆 ntpd 的 "Invalid argument" 訊息,才想到前兩天把這兩台機器的 IP address 變更網段後,只有重啟 network 的 service,忘了把 ntpd 也重啟,幾天沒連線倒是在 log 檔多了一大票的錯誤訊息,以前這種訊息多半是在 ADSL 撥接 Dynamic IP 的 interface 上發生,因為有時撥接斷線後重新撥接,然後這個 interface 上的 IP address 通常就變動了,然後這個錯誤訊息就會發生囉,最簡單的解決方法就是把 ntpd 重啟一下吧~
[root@KHCBKPS01 ~]# tail -3 /var/log/messagesOK,現在將 ntpd 重啟吧:
Mar 18 10:18:47 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[5137]: sendto( (fd=21): Invalid argument
Mar 18 10:35:53 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[5137]: sendto( (fd=21): Invalid argument
Mar 18 10:52:58 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[5137]: sendto( (fd=21): Invalid argument
[root@KHCBKPS01 ~]# service ntpd restart在 restart ntpd 時順便看一下 log 檔:
Shutting down ntpd: [ OK ]
ntpd: Synchronizing with time server: [ OK ]
Starting ntpd: [ OK ]
[root@KHCBKPS01 ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages觀察一段時間,已經和 NTP server 同步了,發現 /var/log/messages 檔也不再出現 "Invalid argument" 訊息囉,既然講到 NTP,那就順便把跟 NTP 相關幾個有用的指令也列一下好了:
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[5137]: ntpd exiting on signal 15
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpdate[9708]: step time server offset 0.039707 sec
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9710]: ntpd 4.2.2p1@1.1570-o Thu Jan 17 18:14:09 UTC 2008 (1)
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: precision = 1.000 usec
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: Listening on interface wildcard, Disabled
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: Listening on interface wildcard, ::#123 Disabled
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: Listening on interface lo, ::1#123 Enabled
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: Listening on interface eth1, xxxx::xxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx#123 Enabled
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: Listening on interface lo, Enabled
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: Listening on interface eth1, aaa.bb.ccc.dd#123 Enabled
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: kernel time sync status 0040
Mar 18 11:02:35 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: frequency initialized 52.117 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift
Mar 18 11:05:48 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: synchronized to, stratum 5
Mar 18 11:05:48 KHCBKPS01 ntpd[9711]: kernel time sync disabled 0001
[root@KHCBKPS01 ~]# ntpq -p
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*KHCDNSS01 LOCAL(0) 5 u 25 64 17 0.212 -0.532 0.347
[root@KHCBKPS01 ~]# ntpq
ntpq> association
ind assID status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt
1 38739 9624 yes yes none sys.peer reachable 2
ntpq> quit
[root@KHCBKPS01 ~]# ntpstat
synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 6
time correct to within 951 ms
polling server every 64 s
[root@KHCBKPS01 ~]# ntpdc -c kerninfo
pll offset: -0.00049 s
pll frequency: 52.583 ppm
maximum error: 0.013646 s
estimated error: 0.000188 s
status: 0001 pll
pll time constant: 2
precision: 1e-06 s
frequency tolerance: 512 ppm
[root@KHCBKPS01 ~]# ntpdc -c sysinfo(詳全文...)
system peer: KHCDNSS01
system peer mode: client
leap indicator: 00
stratum: 6
precision: -20
root distance: 0.00017 s
root dispersion: 0.20419 s
reference ID: []
reference time: cd6b4bfa.65ce0142 Wed, Mar 18 2009 18:31:22.397
system flags: auth monitor ntp kernel stats
jitter: 0.000214 s
stability: 0.000 ppm
broadcastdelay: 0.003998 s
authdelay: 0.000000 s
11:44:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
在之前的文章中我們用 X-Manager 示範過怎麼去連上 Linux 機器的 XDMCP session (請參考:以 X-Manager 來連 Linux 的圖形介面) ,不過當時的 OS 為 RHEL 4 ES,這次的幾台機器改成 RHEL 5 之後,可不能直接照著同樣的步驟改了,因為那樣是不 work 的啦....
其實在 RHEL 5 上只要修改一個檔案就可以達到這個目的,修改 /etc/gdm/custom.conf 文件,在 [xdmcp] 這行下加入了 Enable=1 或者 Enable=true,如果在這時存檔離開,並重新開機的話,其實已經可以用 X-Manager 來連線了,但卻只能用 SSH 的方式,而用 XDMCP session 則會出現不允許 remote system administrator login 的訊息,這不是我們要的結果,所以在剛剛的 /etc/gdm/custom.conf 文件中,我們這次修改三個段落:
其實,剛剛修改 /etc/gdm/custom.conf 的選項中的第一行 [daemon] 部分也可以透過修改下面圖片所示的地方來達成:
1. 首先到 System > Administration > Login Screen:
2. 接著到 Remote tab 的 Style 中下拉式選單選擇 "Same as Local":
3. 接著移到 Security tab 的 Security 選項將 "Allow remote system administrator login" 勾選起來吧(這裡便是剛剛修改 /etc/gdm/custom.conf 的 [security] 部分):
4. 然後就是重新開機之後便可用 X-Manager 以 XDMCP session 連進去囉...搞定,收工~ (詳全文...)
其實在 RHEL 5 上只要修改一個檔案就可以達到這個目的,修改 /etc/gdm/custom.conf 文件,在 [xdmcp] 這行下加入了 Enable=1 或者 Enable=true,如果在這時存檔離開,並重新開機的話,其實已經可以用 X-Manager 來連線了,但卻只能用 SSH 的方式,而用 XDMCP session 則會出現不允許 remote system administrator login 的訊息,這不是我們要的結果,所以在剛剛的 /etc/gdm/custom.conf 文件中,我們這次修改三個段落:
[daemon]一樣,修改完後存檔離開並重新開機,然後我們再試一次看看,前面如何建立一個 XDMCP session 的步驟請先參考上一篇 以 X-Manager 來連 Linux 的圖形介面,這次有正常看到如本機般的登入畫面了吧:
其實,剛剛修改 /etc/gdm/custom.conf 的選項中的第一行 [daemon] 部分也可以透過修改下面圖片所示的地方來達成:
1. 首先到 System > Administration > Login Screen:
2. 接著到 Remote tab 的 Style 中下拉式選單選擇 "Same as Local":
3. 接著移到 Security tab 的 Security 選項將 "Allow remote system administrator login" 勾選起來吧(這裡便是剛剛修改 /etc/gdm/custom.conf 的 [security] 部分):
4. 然後就是重新開機之後便可用 X-Manager 以 XDMCP session 連進去囉...搞定,收工~ (詳全文...)
10:27:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
最近裝的幾台機器都是 RHEL5 的,而 RHEL5 跟之前用的 RHEL4 在架設 DNS Server 的時候,差異還真是不小啊,預設的 Zone files 和 Configuration file 呢?阿怎麼都找不到啊?該不是還要我自己一個檔一個檔的產生吧?當然不會啦,原來是一般安裝沒有裝到 system-config-bind, bind 及 bind-chroot 套件罷了,好吧,那就一步一步來吧~
步驟1. 先安裝一下相關的套件囉:
1-1. 安裝 system-config-bind 套件來產生 named.conf 範例檔:
步驟2. 再來就是複製相關的檔案到 Bind Chroot 目錄 /var/named/chroot/ 下:
2-1. 先複製 named.conf 範例檔:
當然,如果也可以用圖形化的介面來配置 DNS 啦,點擊面版上的 System > Administration > Server Settings > Domain Name System 如下圖所示:進去之後便可以看到圖形化的配置畫面囉,剩下的就是慢慢設定了:
註解一下:為了不要每次切換到 zone files 所在的區域時都要敲一大串字,所以決定偷懶設定個 alias 如下:1. 編輯一下 ~/.bashrc 檔:
步驟1. 先安裝一下相關的套件囉:
1-1. 安裝 system-config-bind 套件來產生 named.conf 範例檔:
[root@KHCDNSS02 ~]# yum install system-config-bind1-2. 安裝 bind 及 bind-chroot 套件
[root@KHCDNSS02 ~]# yum groupinstall "DNS Name Server"
步驟2. 再來就是複製相關的檔案到 Bind Chroot 目錄 /var/named/chroot/ 下:
2-1. 先複製 named.conf 範例檔:
[root@KHCDNSS02 ~]# cp -p /usr/share/system-config-bind/profiles/default/named.conf /var/named/chroot/etc/2-2. 複製相關 zone files 範例檔至 bind chroot 目錄下:
[root@KHCDNSS02 ~]# cp -p /usr/share/system-config-bind/profiles/default/named/* /var/named/chroot/var/named/2-3. 複製 bind root 檔至 bind chroot 目錄下:
[root@KHCDNSS02 ~]# cp -p /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.3/sample/var/named/named.root /var/named/chroot/var/named/2-4. 把 owner 更改為 named:
[root@KHCDNSS02 ~]# chown -R named /var/named/chroot2-5. 最後再把 named.conf 建立連結到 /etc 下:
[root@KHCDNSS02 ~]# ln -s /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf步驟3. 再來就是開始編輯 named.conf 檔的內容了:
[root@KHCDNSS02 ~]#vi /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf步驟4. 最後是新增需要用的網域正反解的 zone files 囉~
當然,如果也可以用圖形化的介面來配置 DNS 啦,點擊面版上的 System > Administration > Server Settings > Domain Name System 如下圖所示:進去之後便可以看到圖形化的配置畫面囉,剩下的就是慢慢設定了:
註解一下:為了不要每次切換到 zone files 所在的區域時都要敲一大串字,所以決定偷懶設定個 alias 如下:1. 編輯一下 ~/.bashrc 檔:
[root@KHCDNSS02 chroot]# vi ~/.bashrc2. 加入下面這一行:
alias cdn='cd /var/named/chroot/var/named/; echo -n "Current PATH : ";pwd'3. 登出再登入一次,測試一下 cdn 這個指令:
[root@KHCDNSS02 chroot]# cdn這樣很方便吧~ (詳全文...)
Current PATH : /var/named/chroot/var/named
[root@KHCDNSS02 named]# ls -al
total 64
drwxr-x--- 4 named named 4096 Mar 4 22:20 .
drwxr-x--- 6 named named 4096 Feb 19 05:20 ..
drwxrwx--- 2 named named 4096 Aug 26 2004 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 named root 208 Mar 4 22:20 localdomain.zone
-rw-r--r-- 1 named root 195 Mar 4 22:20 localhost.zone
-rw-r--r-- 1 named root 427 Mar 4 22:20 named.broadcast
-rw-r--r-- 1 named root 1266 Mar 4 22:20 named.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 named root 424 Mar 4 22:20 named.ip6.local
-rw-r--r-- 1 named root 426 Mar 4 22:20 named.local
-rw-r--r-- 1 named root 1892 Mar 4 22:13 named.root
-rw-r--r-- 1 named root 427 Mar 4 22:20 named.zero
drwxrwx--- 2 named named 4096 Jul 27 2004 slaves
[root@KHCDNSS02 named]#
10:56:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
今天在機房接到同事來電問說某台機器 root 的 password 是什麼?啥?沒人記得喔?啊ㄌㄟ,真是糟糕,猜一下常用的密碼,發現依然登入不了,這可怎麼辦ㄌㄟ?
其實當忘記了 Linux Server 上的 root 密碼時,可以用以下面的方法來修復:
基本上這個方法適用於 GRUB,而 LILO 很久沒用過了,如果有人記得可以幫忙留個意見吧...
1. 首先就是重啟你那已經忘記密碼的機器,等到開機後,先停留在 GRUB 開機選單的畫面,移動到 linux 開機的選項上,按 e 編輯,我裝 RH EL5,所以選單像下面這樣:
5. 進入單人模式後,用 passwd 的指令,即可更改 root 的密碼,然後重新開機就好囉,報告完畢~ (詳全文...)
其實當忘記了 Linux Server 上的 root 密碼時,可以用以下面的方法來修復:
基本上這個方法適用於 GRUB,而 LILO 很久沒用過了,如果有人記得可以幫忙留個意見吧...
1. 首先就是重啟你那已經忘記密碼的機器,等到開機後,先停留在 GRUB 開機選單的畫面,移動到 linux 開機的選項上,按 e 編輯,我裝 RH EL5,所以選單像下面這樣:
GNU GRUB version 0.97C2. 等出下一頁選單,移動到 kernel 選項上,再按一次 e 編輯,像下面這樣:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (2.6.18-92.el5) << 移到這裡按 e
root (hd0,2)3. 等跳出下面一頁選單時,在 quiet 的後面先空一格,再加上 single,然後按 enter:
kernel /vmlinuz-2... ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet << 按 e
initrd /initrd-2.6.18-92.el5.img
LogVol00 rhgb quiet single4. 此時會回到上一頁的 GRUB 開機選單,按 b 即可 boot 到 single user mode 囉。
5. 進入單人模式後,用 passwd 的指令,即可更改 root 的密碼,然後重新開機就好囉,報告完畢~ (詳全文...)
11:16:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
今天在檢查兩台 AAA server 時才發現居然 / 已經到了 94% 了,SNMP server 上滿滿都是從這兩台機器上送來的 Alarm Traps;這可真是糟糕,趕快查一下到底是啥東西佔了這麼多硬碟空間...
不過由於這個目錄下的檔案太多,用 rm 的指令通常會得到像剛剛 du 所看到的錯誤訊息:
[root@KHXAAAS2 ~]# df -h;首先到 / 下面用 du -sh * 來查詢一下目前的 / 的使用狀態:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 4.0G 3.6G 237M 94% /
/dev/sda1 1012M 40M 921M 5% /boot
none 4.0G 0 4.0G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda3 4.0G 41M 3.7G 2% /inactive_root
/dev/sda6 21G 78M 19G 1% /others
/NFSDB/radacct 537G 384M 509G 1% /opt/AAA-6.1.8-20081202/run/radacct
KHXDB:/DB/accounting 537G 384M 509G 1% /NFSDB/radacct
[root@KHXAAAS2 ~]# cd /很明顯的,/opt 跟 /var 佔了很大的空間,/opt 我安裝了幾個大的 AAA service 在裡面,先慢點處理,這個 /var 佔據了 1.5G 實在有點奇怪了,繼續往下查...
[root@KHXAAAS2 /]# du -sh *
5.6M bin
6.4M boot
216K dev
44M etc
32K home
20K inactive_root
8.0K initrd
97M lib
16K lost+found
16K media
8.0K misc
8.0K mnt
1.3G opt
2.0M others
du: cannot read directory `proc/857/task': No such file or directory
du: cannot read directory `proc/857/fd': No such file or directory
916M proc
2.0M root
176K rpm
18M sbin
0 selinux
8.0K srv
0 sys
336K tmp
2.0G usr
1.5G var
[root@KHXAAAS2 /]# cd /var看來 spool 的目錄下有問題,繼續...
[root@KHXAAAS2 var]# du -sh *
12K account
2.2M cache
16K crash
28K db
32K empty
16K ftp
300K gdm
41M lib
8.0K local
132K lock
42M log
4.0K mail
24K net-snmp
8.0K nis
8.0K opt
8.0K preserve
276K run
1.5G spool
8.0K tmp
8.0K tux
2.1M www
24K yp
[root@KHXAAAS2 var]# cd spool/
[root@KHXAAAS2 spool]# ls -al
total 6404
drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Jun 12 2008 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 Jun 12 2008 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 12 2008 anacron
drwx------ 3 daemon daemon 4096 Jun 12 2008 at
drwxrwx--- 2 smmsp smmsp 6443008 Dec 24 12:53 clientmqueue
drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Dec 24 11:49 cron
drwx--x--- 3 root sys 4096 Jun 12 2008 cups
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 13 2004 lpd
drwxrwxr-x 2 root mail 4096 Aug 13 2004 mail
drwx------ 2 root mail 4096 Jan 23 2007 mqueue
drwxr-xr-x 2 rpm rpm 4096 Aug 2 2007 repackage
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 5 2007 up2date
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Oct 5 2004 vbox
[root@KHXAAAS2 spool]# du -sh *
32K anacron
20K at
1.5G clientmqueue
16K cron
16K cups
8.0K lpd
8.0K mail
8.0K mqueue
8.0K repackage
8.0K up2date
8.0K vbox
[root@KHXAAAS2 spool]# cd clientmqueue/看起來,這個 /var/spool/clientmqueue 的目錄下的東西太多了,連 du 的指令都下不了,我們用 ls 來看一下好了...
[root@KHXAAAS2 clientmqueue]# du -sh *
-bash: /usr/bin/du: Argument list too long
[root@KHXAAAS2 clientmqueue]# ls看起來真的是太多了,只好先用 Ctrl+C 中斷一下,不過幸好這些檔案產生的原因都是由於有某個用戶 (通常是 root 啦)新增了某個 cron job,而 cron job 裡面程序有輸出內容,這些內容會以 mail 的方式發給剛剛建立 cron job 的用戶,假如這時 sendmail 沒有啟動便會產生這些 queue 檔,基本上並不是什麼重要的檔案,一句話,殺無赦就對了~
dfm5C422X2007728 dfmA8CE2sU014445 dfmAQIX3He008540 dfmBF1O3tM024344 qfm9U9325M025071 qfmAHFp3o7008591 qfmB5MG2ik015455 dfm5D421x8008729 dfmA8CF2ex014725 dfmAQIY3JM008766 dfmBF1P2CK024575 qfm9U942p8025326 qfmAHFq22Z008848 qfmB5MH2dU015683 dfm5D4222i021334 dfmA8Cf2Oe022040 dfmAQIZ2lS008993 dfmBF1p2T6030541 qfm9U953gs025583 qfmAHFQ2RH002131 qfmB5Mh2Zw021688 dfm5DK23Jv003790 dfmA8CG2TR015000 dfmAQJ02LM014708 dfmBF1q22Z030769 qfm9U962PF025835 qfmAHFR22P002445 qfmB5Mi3jw021934 dfm5EK22jL009067 dfmA8Cg3uP022313 dfmAQJ13b6014942 dfmBF1Q2Tk024802 qfm9U972GP026084 qfmAHFr2PM009102 qfmB5MI3sc015914 dfm5OK314c006681 dfmA8Ch291022592 dfmAQJ23VT015171 dfmBF1r3jO030995 qfm9U983lb026334 qfmAHFs2XF009366 qfmB5MJ2hf016139 dfm5PK323O007690 dfmA8CH2so015312 dfmAQJ32Tu015402 dfmBF1R3xM025033 qfm9U992mX026621 qfmAHFS3sD002719 qfmB5Mj3Ia022161 dfm5QK32Ur008747 dfmA8Ci25T022861 dfmAQJ420C015631 dfmBF1s2LO031226 qfm9U9A20p026912 qfmAHFT2AP002970 qfmB5MK2P7016366 dfm5RK335g022157 dfmA8CI2UK015587 dfmAQJ52GN015858 dfmBF1S3st025260 qfm9U9a31w001040 qfmAHFt2ha009618 qfmB5Mk2SN022392 dfm5SK32xd023117 dfmA8Cj23T023137 dfmAQJ62Dm016089 dfmBF1T2Qt025491 qfm9U9B2aF027174 qfmAHFU2RT003229 qfmB5Ml2Ab022619 dfm5UK31gY007333 dfmA8CJ34Q015865 dfmAQJ72B4016316 dfmBF1t2RL031453 qfm9U9b2dR001296 qfmAHFu3dG009875 qfmB5ML2kM016594 dfm61K328o008143 dfmA8Ck20E023413 dfmAQJ82fO016547 dfmBF1U250025718 qfm9U9c22o001541 qfmAHFv30Z010126 qfmB5Mm2Gk022851 dfm62K32BT010023 dfmA8CK3r4016134 dfmAQJ93WG016775 dfmBF1u39e031684 qfm9U9C29A027419 qfmAHFV3pd003482 qfmB5MM2ZI016827 dfm63K32ia011151 dfmA8CL2dQ016417 dfmAQJa2On023080 dfmBF1v2Gh031911 qfm9U9d2Wa001793 qfmAHFW2J4003739 qfmB5Mn2fg023079 dfm64K32E5011955 dfmA8Cl3SM023691 dfmAQJA3DY017002 dfmBF1V2s6025962 qfm9U9D3p9027670 qfmAHFw2XB010386 qfmB5MN3Wi017052 dfm65K31uZ012771 dfmA8CM27o016689 dfmAQJB2YJ017245 dfmBF1w2pd032138 qfm9U9E2uC027923 qfmAHFX2Ep003993 qfmB5Mo3oH023305 dfm67K31mg029851 dfmA8Cm39g023966 dfmAQJb3pV023307 dfmBF1W2tF026190 qfm9U9e2Xh002049 qfmAHFx2kM010637 qfmB5MO3oS017280 dfm68K310Y030656 dfmA8CN2BY016971 dfmAQJC2qs017472 dfmBF1X3iF026417 qfm9U9F2kZ028177 qfmAHFY2Zm004250 qfmB5MP2jh017506 ^C
不過由於這個目錄下的檔案太多,用 rm 的指令通常會得到像剛剛 du 所看到的錯誤訊息:
-bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long看來直接用 rm 是殺不掉了,沒關係,那就用下面的指令吧:
[root@KHXAAAS2 clientmqueue]# pwd看吧,用了 ls | xargs rm -f 果然輕鬆的就殺掉這一堆的檔案囉,在檢查一下硬碟的使用狀況:
[root@KHXAAAS2 clientmqueue]# ls | xargs rm -f
[root@KHXAAAS2 clientmqueue]# ls -al
total 6316
drwxrwx--- 2 smmsp smmsp 6443008 Dec 24 13:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Jun 12 2008 ..
[root@KHXAAAS2 clientmqueue]# df -h看吧,果然清空之後,使用空間多了很多...不過這只是治標,不是治本,重點是要記得去把那個兇手,也就是那個 cron job 的最後加上一段 > /dev/null 2>&1,例如:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 4.0G 2.9G 956M 76% /
/dev/sda1 1012M 40M 921M 5% /boot
none 4.0G 0 4.0G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda3 4.0G 41M 3.7G 2% /inactive_root
/dev/sda6 21G 78M 19G 1% /others
/NFSDB/radacct 537G 384M 509G 1% /opt/AAA-6.1.8-20081202/run/radacct
KHXDB:/DB/accounting 537G 384M 509G 1% /NFSDB/radacct
[root@KHXAAAS2 clientmqueue]#
[root@KHXAAAS2 ~]# crontab -l這樣就可以避免問題再次重複發生囉...OK,報告完畢~ (詳全文...)
* * * * * /etc/init.d/snmp_cron.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
8:58:00 下午
By 洋蔥爸比 Tosian Yang
今天在客戶這邊上完課要回飯店時,一抬頭突然發現夜空中的月亮似乎有些不一樣,怎麼好像一張笑臉似的,感覺月亮上方的兩顆星星超亮的說,趕緊叫住 Jason 與小廖,拿出手機來拍,不過拍出的效果實在@#$%....
於是乾脆到車上拿車相機來拍,回到飯店將照片寄給洋蔥媽咪看,才發現原來大家都看到了啊,上網查詢了一下,原來今天是初四的眉月,月亮如上揚的嘴角,加上月亮上方的那兩顆星星是金星與木星呢,難怪我覺得怎麼今天的星星這麼亮...據說,這種天文景象,下次要到 2036 年才會再出現呢,雖然和洋蔥媽咪及小洋蔥分處在高雄與台北,但我們仍能一起看到同樣的星空,我想,應該也是一種幸福吧~ (詳全文...)
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